Today has been one of the worst day of the year. The day started with bad grades and the teacher just HAD to humiliate me infront of the class. She made me stand for 15 minutes alone for getting the lowest grade in the class and she kept asking me questions which prolly, NO ONE IN THE CLASS KNOW.
She also asked me ' You ada baca tak?' and I replied by saying, ' I did flip through '. AND GUESS WHAT SHE SAID!
Ah no wonder your marks also flip through lah!
Seriously, does that make any sense to you? So fucking annoying. And she spoke with her so called accent too. Seriously, if you were there, I swear you would feel like going in front and slap her right at her face.
Another thing that made me even more pissed was she asking me about my Malay paper's marks. Cause there's this question which have a sentence involving a word 'berkala'. ( the question has something to do with cleaning the fan at home ) She asked me what does that word mean, and i said 'once in a while'. And she claimed it wrong. wtf And she told the whole class that it can mean ' 3 months once, 4 months once or once a year etc '
OMG ISNT THAT SOMETHING LIKE ONCE IN A WHILE FOR PETE'S SAKE ! And because of that, she kept complaining bout how bad my bm is. She just HAD to drag my language skills into some stupid fucking ass paper which isnt even internationally well known. Then she start crapping bout how important that paper is for our future and all those shit.
One more thing, she was scolding me so loudly that teachers in their staffroom over at the same block could hear. And one of them was my Science teacher. How did I know? During Science lessons, she asked me what I got for that particular paper and told me she could clearly hear everything in her room. So, fuck you M. You didnt only humiliate me infront of my friends, you also made me really embarrased infront of my teacher.
She just had to make me swear which I really dont adore doing. I do find it rather rude, but life is so fucked up i just eventually do so. Its not like I dont want to study. First, diagnostic exams was over. And about 2 weeks later, it was the 3rd Intervention. Before we could even finish all the assignments and corrections for the disagnostic exam, there comes another bloody useless examination. Thus, I ended up just flipping through and read where it's important. I mean seriously, I had no time. I dont care how the others are capable of doing but hell, I aint some kind of genius.
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